On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 04:46:53 -0600, Travis J. Hicks
> Hello,
> I have a custom PC with an ASUS A7N266-VM motherboard, 256MB of RAM, a WD
> hard drive, a generic CD-ROM drive, and a D-Link DFE-530TX+ NIC. I had
> FreeBSD 4.9 on one partition and Windows XP Pro on another. Tonight I erased
> the 4.9 partition and installed 5.3.
> Since then I have been unable to get the machine to reboot when booted into
> FreeBSD. Calling "reboot" or "shutdown -r now" syncs, displays the uptime,
> then roughly says:
> Shutting down ACPI
> Stray irq9
> ACPI-0265: *** Error: Hardware never changed modes

Looks like a broken ACPI to me. TO diagnose the problem try disabling
ACPI from the BIOS and go with the same experiment. Please post the
results along with dmesg.


Subhro Sankha Kar
School of Information Technology
Block AQ-13/1 Sector V
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