Good day/night.

I have been having some troubles with devfs (the config files that is).

Here is what I want todo:
I want to be able to allow users in group 'cdrom' to acces (rw) to /dev/acd0

First of all i created the group ;). So far so good.

Then i uncommented this line:
link    acd0    cdrom
in /etc/devfs.conf (My only change in that file, so far).

So far so good.

Now heres where the trouble begins: I can by using the command line utility
(devfs) allow users in group cdrom to rw /dev/acd0{cdrom}
By issuing the following commands:
# devfs ruleset 10
# devfs rule add path acd0 group cdrom
# devfs rule add path acd0 mode 0660
# devfs rule applyset

Here I have:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] thib]$ ls -al /dev/ | grep acd0
crw-rw----    1 root     cdrom      4,  21 Nov  9 23:11 acd0
lrwxr-xr-x    1 root     wheel           4 Nov  9 23:11 cdrom -> acd0

So far so good.

But when I add these lines:
own     acd0    root:cdrom
perm    acd0    0660
to /etc/devfs.conf

I get this:
/etc/rc: WARNING: devfs_set_ruleset: you must specify a ruleset number
/etc/rc: WARNING: devfs_apply_ruleset: you must specify a ruleset

in my dmesg.

Okey. So I took a look in /etc/defaults/devfs.rules and did the following:
(PS: I removed the own/perm lines in /etc/devfs.conf
# touch /etc/devfs.rules
And added these lines to the file:
add path acd0 group cdrom
add path acd0 mode 06660

When I reboot I get the same error messages:
/etc/rc: WARNING: devfs_set_ruleset: you must specify a ruleset number
/etc/rc: WARNING: devfs_apply_ruleset: you must specify a ruleset

Here's the kicker, even though I get these error messages it "DOES WHAT I

My questions is, what is the proper way of specifying a ruleset in either
/etc/devfs.conf or /etc/devfs.rules and wich of the files should I use ?

I'm sorry if I missed something obvious in the manpages (or did not google

Please CC me for I'm not on the list.
Kv, thib[att]mi{dot}is

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