> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry McAllister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 8:20 AM
> To: Ted Mittelstaedt
> Subject: Re: Please take this somewhere else (was RE: difference
> A person may not realize there is a place such a complaint can be
> sent other than posting it on the list.   Probably they could find
> out by reading up on the use of the list, but if they didn't realize
> the one, they might not think of the other either.   So, though not 
> quite the right way to go about dealing with the situation, it might 
> not have had the dastardly intent you describe.

That is a point.

> Also, there is a difference between censorship and taking an action
> against abuse of persons.   The behavior indicated is indeed abusive.  

That is a judgement that needs to be made by the people running the
list, not by the recipient of 'the abuse'  Anybody that is being
told to shut up, or is being told they are an idiot, is going to
claim it abuse.

I would consider something like posting someone's complete name,
address, phone number along with a statement that you and your
Klan friends are going to be there Friday with a rope, to be
abusive.  But simple name calling?  pish posh.  I wish I had
a nickle for every time someone swore on a mailing list!

> Interdicting that type of behavior stands short of censorship, though
> the issue of appropriate action is such a case is never completely clear.

Fortunately though, we don't have to make a decision on the
appropriateness of any action taken.

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