On Nov 15, 2004, at 12:40 PM, Dan Kilbourne wrote:

frost wave extolled:
hi thanks in advance for your answer

here's my situation
I just installed FreeBSD and now I want to install Maya ( maya is in a TGZ
that include the rpms inside. )
I searched all the night through the internet but I didn't find how to
install the rpm package.
I'm running FreeBSD 4.10

tell me what are the steps to do...

thanks a lot

rpm == redhat package management
I guess you could look into the rpm port, but not sure why you would
want to do that. Do they either have the source available (ususally
tar.gz file) or do either of these ports look like what you are looking

I think he's talking about maya, 3D animation and visual software (which can be used on freebsd in a render cluster)


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