===> giFT-0.11.6 depends on shared library: Magick.6 - not found
===> Verifying install for Magick.6 in /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick
===> ImageMagick- has known vulnerabilities:
>> ImageMagick -- EXIF parser buffer overflow.
Reference: <http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/portaudit/eeb1c128-33e7-11d9-a9e7-0001020eed82.html>
>> Please update your ports tree and try again.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/net/gift.

Aargh. Over the past week or two, I've cvsupped several times, but I keep getting this.

I'm using 5.2.1, and I've tried this using both "portinstall", "portinstall -P" and "make" (while in both "/usr/ports/net/gift" and "/usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick"). And I've "make clean"ed beforehand.

Nothing relevant seems to be listed in /usr/ports/UPDATING. Any suggestions?


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