> I have a radeon 9600 and have been trying to get it working in
> dual-head mode.  Someone linked me to a screen-shot that showed an
> ATI control panel with a dual-head tab.  Is there any chance someone
> could link me to a site that provides said application.  I've
> searched google and the ATI website and have come up empty

I don't know anything about getting an ATI Control Panel up and
running, but as for dual-head, it can be done out-of-the-box for
radeons using xorg or xfree86.  You simply copy the relevant device,
monitor, and screen sections giving each a unique name.  I recommend
Identifier "Screen1" and Identifier "Screen2" for the screens, the
same with monitor section and device section.  Then in each device
section you give it a Screen line like Screen 0 and Screen 1.  Then
the only real tricky part is that in the ServerLayout section you'll
need something like this:

  Screen 0 "Screen1" 0 0
  Screen 1 "Screen2" LeftOf "Screen1"

One thing that you /may/ have to do (I've had it work both ways at
different times) is put in an option (I can't remember what it's
called offhand, but man radeon would tell you) that requires values
like CRT, CRT or something like that.  I'm sure the man pages are
better with the syntax than I am :p  Good luck.

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