On Thu, Nov 18, 2004 at 12:30:05AM -0500, Ivan Georgiev wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running RELEASE-5-3 and tried to ssh to my machine (sshd is running). It 
> asks me 3 times for my password and then quits. The output is shown below. 
> However, if I try "ssh localhost" instead of the ip address (I am using a DSL 
> connection) everyting is OK.

[--- snip ---]

> The message from sshd is:
> sshd[41578]: error: PAM: authentication error for XXXX from YYY.verizon.net

The default behaviour for sshd now is to not allow password authentication.  
The Password: prompts you see are for the PAM keyboard-interactive 
authentication method.  To allow straight password authentication, change 
this line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

    #PasswordAuthentication no

to this:

    PasswordAuthentication yes

Note the removal of `#'!

and then:

# /etc/rc.d/sshd restart

If you want to use public key authentication, then try your session
again but with two or even three `-v' flags to get more debugging
messages.  This should give you more idea of what's going on.



Daniel Bye

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