after upgrade from 5.2.1 o 5.3-STABLE my system started to reboot on regular
basis. The error message on screen (not always showing):

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 0; apic id=03
fault virtual address = 0x1c
fault code = supervisor write, page not present
instruction pointer = 0x8:0xc04ce84b
stack pointer = 0x10:0xea54f9co
frame pointer = 0x10:0xea54f9cc
code segment = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff type 0x1b
             = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1 , gran 1
procesor eflags = interrupt cenabled, resume, IOPL=0
current process = 11445 (screen)
trap number = 12
panic: page fault
cpuid = 0
boot() called on cpu#0

[14:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>> uname -r

[14:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~>> pkg_info | grep screen
screen-4.0.2_1      A multi-screen window manager

system has been tested with memtest and cpuburn - no errors were detected.

Please advice.

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