On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 00:09:13 +0100, Gert Cuykens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> can someone make a options i install everything so you don't have to
> push 58 times i enter i enter i enter i enter :) drives me nuts
> especially when you sometimes have to do enter enter enter to scroll
> down the preview and then accidentally do 1 enter to many

You can press "q" to interrupt the display of a file.  After all,
mergemaster is just piping the file through "more" (or less; not sure

Mergemaster's already existing "-i" switch tells it to automatically
install any files that don't already exist in the destination directory.
To do as you suggest, though, and simply automatically install
*everything* would defeat the whole purpose of mergemaster.

There are occasions where, due to some new construct or whatever, a
large number of files require updating (usually under /etc/rc.d).  In
that case, it often is easier to simply delete all the existing files
under /etc/rc.d and then run mergemaster -i to automatically install the
new versions.  When such a need arises, it will usually be mentioned in
/usr/src/UPDATING (you *do* read that before updating, don't you?).  :-)


Conrad J. Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- "In Unix veritas"
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