Graham Bentley wrote:

Hi All,

As an experiment (and to gain some expereince) I would like to test out locally various CMS software.

I have a 5.3 release disc here and can get a minimal install up and running and on the net quite quickly now.

What I am struggling with is the following :-

What is the best order (options/versions) to install these packages

Mysql, Apache, PHP - which I need to test out the CMS software

Just recently I installed Apache2, then PHP 3.9.2 and MySQL 4.0
only to find I had not got support for MySQL compiled into PHP.

There must be some logical methods to ensure that each package
has the dependancies it requires ?

For eample do I need /usr/ports/www/mod_php4 as well
as /usr/ports/lang/php4 ?

Any advice appreciated :)

mod_php4 is the Apache mod and is probably a Very Good Thing(but you got PHP 3.9.2...?).

Since PHP and MySQL exist independently and neither needs the other to run(except with one another), that's likely why it doesn't default...

I would do MySQL and Apache first, in whatever order, then lang/php4, then www/mod_php4. SQL and the web server are, I believe, quite independent; since PHP is, among other things, the glue that's holding them together, that's best installed when you already have the other two(which don't care about PHP beyond Apache loading as produced, I think, by www/mod_php4).

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