On Monday 06 December 2004 06:37 pm, Adam Smith wrote:
> I've used Konqueror many times before to connect from abroad to my machine
> at home using fish://.

This isn't answering your question, but:

Why would you be using fish:// instead of sftp://?  Think of fish as a 
workaround for systems where you have SSH access but there is no SFTP server 
running.  This is not true on (even halfway recent) FreeBSD systems where 
SFTP is enabled by default.

Anyway, if you're dead set on using it, see if you can enabled verbose logging 
either on the client or the server.  Fish works by ssh'ing to a shell on your 
system and running cd, ls, cat, and so on to get directory listings and the 
contents of files.  If there is a problem with one of these commands, then 
there you go.
Kirk Strauser

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