On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, Jamie Heckford wrote:

> We currently have a nice beefy fBSD4 box for our main NFS server with
> approx 10 fBSD4 clients.
> We will be upgrading the NFS server soon but I can't seem to find any
> info on NFS compatibiltiy between 5.x and 4.x.
> Logic tells me that if my NFS server is running 5.x with a UFS2
> filesystem that my 4.x UFS clients won't be able to mount a share from
> the 5.x box.
> Or does the NFS layer allow this? Will my 5.x box be backwards
> compatible for 4.x boxen and still work?

Yes, NFS hides details of the underlying file system. Thus, it is totally
os independent (not concerning performance, but concerning compatibility.)


Konrad Heuer
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