On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 09:22:50 -0500, Dev Tugnait <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the output from cdparanoia -vsQ
> If you are trying to rip them to your harddis and cant figurecdparanoia use a 
> frontend to it like grip.

can't figure out what the problem would be, judging from this....

cdparanoia III release 9.8 (March 23, 2001)
(C) 2001 Monty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Xiphophorus
FreeBSD porting (c) 2003
        Simon 'corecode' Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Checking /dev/cd0 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/cd0: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/cd1 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/cd1: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/cd2 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/cd2: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/cd3 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/cd3: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/acd0 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/acd0: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/acd1 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/acd1: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/acd2 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/acd2: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/acd3 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/acd3: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/wcd0 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/wcd0: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/wcd1 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/wcd1: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/wcd2 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/wcd2: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/wcd3 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/wcd3: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/mcd0 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/mcd0: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/mcd1 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/mcd1: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/mcd2 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/mcd2: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/mcd3 for cdrom...
        Could not stat /dev/mcd3: No such file or directory

Checking /dev/cd0c for cdrom...

CDROM model sensed: SONY CD-RW  CRX175A1 5YS3

Checking for ATAPICAM...
        Drive is ATAPI (using ATAPICAM)

Checking for MMC style command set...
        Drive is MMC style
        Setting default read size to 26 sectors (61152 bytes).

Verifying CDDA command set...
        Expected command set reads OK.

Table of contents (audio tracks only):
track        length               begin        copy pre ch
  1.    17952 [03:59.27]        0 [00:00.00]    no   no  2
  2.    17653 [03:55.28]    17952 [03:59.27]    no   no  2
  3.    21082 [04:41.07]    35605 [07:54.55]    no   no  2
  4.    20363 [04:31.38]    56687 [12:35.62]    no   no  2
  5.    25660 [05:42.10]    77050 [17:07.25]    no   no  2
  6.    19267 [04:16.67]   102710 [22:49.35]    no   no  2
  7.    19900 [04:25.25]   121977 [27:06.27]    no   no  2
  8.    17848 [03:57.73]   141877 [31:31.52]    no   no  2
  9.    20285 [04:30.35]   159725 [35:29.50]    no   no  2
 10.    26970 [05:59.45]   180010 [40:00.10]    no   no  2
 11.    20310 [04:30.60]   206980 [45:59.55]    no   no  2
TOTAL  227290 [50:30.40]    (audio only)
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