> Jerry McAllister wrote:
> <snip>
> > OK.  So I went and looked for them.   They are from FreeBSD Mall.
> > 
> > Go to:           http://www.freebsdmall.com/cgi-bin/fm
> > 
> > Select 'Promo' and then 'FreeBSD Sticker Sheet'  
> > They are only $0.50 US each so get a hundred or so.
> > 
> > There are a bunch of other promo items at that site as well.
> > The 'FreeBSD Plate Logos' are nice to stick on and look more
> > impressive than a mere sticker.   A FreeBSD beanie is good to
> > sit on top of your monitor and keep a benevolent eye on you.
> > And, of course, FreeBSD boxer shorts are a real turn on for 
> > your significant other.
> <snip>
> Yea, what I want (and I have looked, it doesn't exist) is a FreeBSD 
> "Jesus Fish" like this "Linux Fish" here 
> (http://www.thinkgeek.com/cubegoodies/stickers/2898/).

Hmmm.   Guess you'll have to get busy and design one.
There are probably lots of small metal job shops that could
turn them out if you gave them a design.

The usual paraphenalia sites would probably carry them if they
were made available.


> -Tabor Kelly

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