I'm having problems accessing a shared FAT32 partition in FreeBSD 5.3.
When I try to mount the partition, it says: bad FAT32 filesystem. I'll
explain what I'm trying to do, and what I've tried. I have one hard
drive, and I'm trying to get Windows XP Pro, FreeBSD 5.3, and Fedora
on it. I want to have one FAT32 partition that is shared between all
three operating systems. Here's the steps I've followed.

- Install Windows XP Pro
  create a primary partition, NTFS
- Install FreeBSD 5.3
  create a primary partition, UFS2
- Install Fedora
  manually partition with disk druid, create a boot partition, FAT
partition, and swap drive

  Here's what the partitions look like to Fedora.
    hdc1                   ntfs (Primary)
    hdc2                   bsd (Primary)
    hdc3     /             ext3 (Primary)
    hdc4                   Extended
      hdc5   /share     vfat
      hdc6                 swap

When tried this way, the FAT32 partition is created by Fedora. The
partition can be read + written to in Windows XP, and Fedora. In
FreeBSD I can't mount it. Can FreeBSD 5.3 read FAT32 partitions on
extended partitions? When I create the FAT32 partition as a primary
partition I can read and write to it in FreeBSD fine. Does anyone have
advice on how I can do this. If so let me know. Thanks.

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