Paul Schmehl wrote:

--On Friday, December 10, 2004 09:03:47 AM -0500 Gerard Samuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it possible to use wildcards in newsyslog.conf?
For example, my current apache setup, I have a few virtual hosts
logging into their own file.
And instead of specifying each file in newsyslog.conf, Im trying ->
/var/log/httpd-*.log    root:wheel      640  1     *    @T00  B

man newsyslog(8)

G indicates that the specified logfile_name is a shell pattern, and that newsyslog should archive all filenames matching that pattern, using the other options specified on this line. See glob(3) for details on syntax and matching rules.

The short answer is yes, *if* you use the "G" flag.

Thanks.  The "G" flag made it work.
That should have clicked with me, with [EMAIL PROTECTED] suggestion.
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