> The reason cache-update becomes idle is that it is waiting for input:
> specifically, it's waiting for something from which it can determine the
> latest changes to your /etc/ports hierarchy.  (See the cache-update man
> page for more details.)
> In your case, you should just be able to pipe the output of the cvsup
> command into cache-update to achieve the desired effect.  (You might
> need to use "cache-update -f cvsup-output" the tell it what kind of
> input format you're feeding it.)  In other words, try something akin to
> this:
>      cvsup -g -L 2 ports-supfile | cache-update -f cvsup-output
> I use the "cvsup-checkouts" input format when running cache-update.  In
> other words, my cache-update command is as follows (I'm running
> cache-update -f cvsup-checkouts -i /var/db/sup/ports-all/checkouts.cvs:.
> (Note that the final "." is significant.)
> Cache-update can also use the "-f plain" input format in conjunction
> with its "find-updated" command to look for changes made after a given
> date.  See the find-updated man page for details.
> So, you have a lot of flexibility in how you can update the portindex
> cache.

Thanks a lot for this explanation. Rereading the man page now I
actually understand what it says. Maybe the cache-update man page, or
indeed any of the portindex man pages would benefit from an examples
section to make life easier for people like me... 
The way I understand FreeBSD works this means that I have to write it
and then contact the maintainer to submit it?


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