I tested with FreeBSD 4.10 and 5.3. The same problem ocurs, when the
the machine not reboot, varios coredumps in as/gcc hapens during make


Asus A7V600-X
AMD Sempron 2400+
512MB DDR 400

any ideas ??

On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 23:28:17 -0600, Vulpes Velox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 19:36:34 -0800 (PST)
> Minnesota Slinky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello list.
> >
> > I am in the process of doing a major upgrade to my
> > home server.  I purchased an Asus A7V600-X
> > motherboard, an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ processor, and
> > installed 1GB of DDR 400 memory.  If it matters, I've
> > got two 120 GB Maxtor HDDs in a RAID 1 array.  The
> > problem I'm having is that the system reboots half-way
> > through a make buildworld.  I'm guessing this has to
> > do with heat, but I'm not sure.
> >
> > Does anyone have any insight?  I've tried telling the
> > BIOS to ignore the proc/mobo temp.  Not sure yet if
> > that's working.
> For checking temp just ssh in and use mbmon while it is going...
> I would suspect ram problems. Heat problems from my experience
> generally cause some errors before failing and freezing. Never seen a
> heat problem result in a reboot yet.
> The way to check for this is to swap the ram out, after checking heat
> using ssh, mbmon, and a `cd /usr/src/& make buildworld/& cd
> /usr/ports/math/atlas& make&`. This command series you will also use
> each time as it provides a very good method for taking a system down
> since I've seen problems where just one of those would not take it
> down before.
> If you still get it, continue swap out the power supply next.
> Possiblility of not liking extra stress from active hard drive. Had
> this a bit on one old P2 gateway at one time.
> If it is still there do the same with proc. By now we should be able
> to safely rule out heat, provided that the sensor is functioning
> properly.
> If it still goes down, it is the mother board getting flaky under
> heavy load. This can happen. I had a Abit NF7-S2 that happened with
> lately. Swapped it out and it went away.
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