Kevin Smith wrote:

1) is there a test utility that I can run that will tell me which cvsup mirror server will be fastest ? I did this the manual way by pinging a few and looking at the ave times coming back.

There's a port out there called fastest_cvsup which is supposed to do exactly that. Personally I've never used it so I can't give any further comments.

2) If I do update (src-all) using 5.3-RELENG tag is my version still called 5.3-RELEASE ? - or is it now some new release of that (ie like 5.3.1 ?)...I guess my question is: Are all updates of 5.3-RELEASE source still called 5.3-RELEASE.

If you use RELENG_5_3 tag, you'll get 5.3-RELEASE-pN where N is a number which increases with every security update. Right now you would get 5.3-RELEASE-p2.

If you use RELENG_5, you'll get 5.N-STABLE, where N is a number which increases after every release from the RELENG_5 branch. Right now you would get 5.3-STABLE.

3) After my cvsup of the ports collection completes updating, is there any easy way to check which ports were updated ?

Using portupgrade you can check which of the ports you have installed were updated. But again, since I personally don't use portupgrade, I can't give you any furhter details on that. There should be more than you want to know about it in the list archives.
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