Gentlemen (those BCc'd) and List;

Pursuant to this earlier request I was ultimately successful in locating a Windows XP Hyperterminal alternative that enabled me to connect to the serial port of a server, but *also* a client that allows ssh and telnet [shudder] sessions within the same interface.

The client in question is "IVT" written by a guy called Ruurd Beerstra, and can be obtained from:

Think of it as a tabbed interface for various connection protocols. For example at the present moment I have several sessions open in one instance of IVT:
Serial console connection to mail server
Telnet connection to ADSL router
ssh2 connection to NL datacenter box
ssh2 connection to US datacenter box

It's a highly decent (and FREE) client. Way WAY better than Hyperterminal and an excellent companion application to Putty. (Meaning sometimes you may care to use Putty for normal ssh connections, and at other times if you happen to have IVT open, start an ssh session in there to your server of choice)

I think there are one or two minor flaws in it, but nothing of note. I encourage everyone to download and try it - AND - send Ruud some feedback. I'd imagine that the more feedback he gets, the more he'll be motivated to continue improving on an already impressive piece of software.

Thanks for the advice and help everyone.

Colin J. Raven
Sat Dec 18 11:42:01 CET 2004
11:42AM  up 1 day, 17:32, 5 users, load averages: 1.38, 1.26, 1.19
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