On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 11:57:35AM +0100, Daniel Johansson wrote:
> Hi, i've had my server up for over a year now and it's been rock solid
> but for the latest weeks the server has rebooted evert Saturday at
> exact 04:19:57 because of a find command. I have no idea why and I've
> checked the cron log and I don't think any crontab is runned at that
> time. Not as far as I can see from the cron log. Anyway find makes the
> server get a kernel panic and it reboots. This is the fourth week in a
> row it happens and I've checked the hardware, no problems at all.

How did you "check the hardware"?  Hardware failure is by far the most
common cause of "strange panics under abnormal load [such as when the
weekly cron job runs]".


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