> I'm having problems getting my freshly update FreeBSD 5.3 system to run 
> my cron jobs.  Logged in as root, I enter the job in root's crontab with 
> the following command
> crontab -e
> I enter the job in the following format:
> 05      10      *       *       *       /root/cronjobs/cvs-sup.sh
> The script has the following permissions:
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  255 Dec 13 10:39 cvs-sup.sh
> I can run the script as root with no errors.  I look in the 
> /var/log/cron log and I don't see any attempt by cron to run the job.  
> There is no error either.    There are entries for the edit of the
> crontab:

This drove me batty for a while. You should see some emails to root
regarding this. Typically, it's a path issue.

In your cvs-sup.sh use the full path to the binaries you are trying to
execute. Like this:

/usr/local/bin/cvsup /root/ports-supfile > /tmp/ports-log 2>&1
/usr/local/sbin/portsdb -Uu

Also, you can use /etc/periodic/daily rather than using cron directly.
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