On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 17:24:02 -0500, alfredo perez
> Heloo list
> I have been trying to set up my FreeBSD 5.3 to get my emails with no
> results. I have installed and set up Mutt, Ssmtp and Fetchmail. None of
> them are working properly. I have no idea where to start first. I have
> already read the man pages and followed several how-tos I found on the
> internet but no results. I was wondering if any of you know of a web
> site with steps that I can follow to sep up my Mutt, fetchmail and
> ssmtp. I dont want to give up on this!!!

Start with fetchmail. You need a ".fetchmailrc" file in your home
directory. Some examples

poll pop.domain2.com  protocol POP3 timeout 60 no dns
    user "loginname" password 'poppassword' is homedirowner here,
    options fetchall fetchlimit 0

poll pop3.domain.com protocol POP3
    user "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" password "poppasswd" is homedirowner here,
    options fetchall

As you can see some ISP's require only your login name, others require
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]". You can run "fetchmail -v" to see where you
get stuck.

This is an example for googles gmail, using SSL

poll pop.gmail.com protocol POP3  timeout 60 no dns
       user "gmailname" password "gmailpassword" ssl  is homdirowner here,
       options fetchall fetchlimit 0

If you are new to all this MTA, MUA and SMTP thing, you could consider
to use Pine. mutt is nice but as a beginner Pine is probably easier to
understand and configure than mutt.

Just take step by step ;)

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