I am not sure if this is really the proper place for this or if it has
been discussed however this is something that I'm sure deserves as
much exposure as possible.

As some of you may or may not know the FreeBSD Foundation supports the
FreeBSD developers financially via funds mainly from donations from
the public. Anyway there is a IRS "1/3rd test" for "public support"
and the current foundation ratio that is a little out of whack due to
a few generous people donating large sums of money. I have no idea
what will happen if they cannot remain a public charity but I'm sure
the affects wont be positive as they clearly stated that it is in
there interest to remain a public charity.

I'm in no position to be shelling out lots of money right now but I'm
going to do my part and I would hope that some of you chip in as well.
from my understanding they need a larger number of people donating a
smaller amount to correct the ratio.

More information can be found on the freebsdfoundation.org website or
here is direct link to the newsletter:

p.s. I'm not affiliated with the foundation of FreeBSD in any shape or
form other then a very happy user of this fine product, just wanted to
help get the word out.
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