On 2004-12-23 13:15, Sally Hines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been subscribing to this list for over 3 years. I initially
> subscribed to the -questions list also, but I couldn't handle the
> volume, and also couldn't interpret the language used there. I need to
> learn in a language that I know, or at least get an interpreter for
> the manpage-ese that's used in replies to questions on that list.

Whenever the answer to a question seems confusing you may, of course,
ask for extra details, a clarification, etc. :-)

> I ask a simple question, how do I automate ports update? I get "read
> the manpages" or quoting from the manpages which is written in a
> language foreign to me, but masquerades as English. Where can I get at
> least a good, simple glossary for the terms used in the manpages and
> on the questions list?

I have recently started using portupgrade.  It's a wonderful set of
tools, but it may get a bit technical at times.  Ideally, the upgrade of
all ports installed on a system is an easy 3 step process.

1. Update your Ports tree with CVSup.

   # cvsup -g -L 2 -h cvsup.de.freebsd.org 

2. Install the portupgrade tools from the Ports:

   # cd /usr/ports/sysutils/portupgrade
   # make install
   # make clean

3. Let portupgrade update all the ports:

   # pkgdb -F -u
   # portupgrade -a -N -vu -rR

> I asked questions here, and got yelled at, at great length. I have not
> posted to this list for over a year because of that.

The freebsd-newbies list is not really meant to be a list for questions,

You should ask by posting at freebsd-questions.  When the responses seem
intimidating or confusing, ask for clarification of the points you
didn't understand :-)

> Sally Hines
> With a broken FreeBSD box

If you need any help to fix that, either reply to this post (I have
redirected replies to freebsd-questions *and* me), or mail me privately.


- Giorgos

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