> Who me?, no, I just use wiki's for my sites and edit the templates, I'm 
> to lazy to do it any other way as It's a pain in the ass to keep an html 
> site updated.

I've kept quiet up until now but I'm afraid I have to step in and
respectfully disagree here. If a site is hard to update, that indicates
poor design and lack of forethought rather than anything else.

XHTML, CSS and a little bit of PHP or Perl are all that is needed to
create a clean, beautiful and above all, maintainable site.

As a nice example, take a look at this site to see how minimal and 
readable XHTML can be if done properly (look at the source):


Plain HTML is often mistakenly viewed as simpler and easier but that
couldn't be further from the truth. A combination of XHTML and CSS
allows you to seperate formatting from page arrangement and make
your life much easier. :)

Have a good christmas, list. :)

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