On 24 Dec 2004 11:33:53 +0100, Peter N. M. Hansteen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "comm/JT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Just a quick question, I was wondering if anyone had some documentation to
> > fully move from sendmail to exim on a 5.3 machine. I have tried this and
> > seemed to have failed, just wondering if I am using an old and outdated
> > document.
> In my experience, it should be pretty straightforward. There are a
> couple of things which are not done automagically by the port, IIRC -
> * adding the lines
>  exim_enable="YES"
>  sendmail_enable="NONE"
>  to /etc/rc.conf

Although this is deprecated.  Please use the following rather
than sendmail_enable="NONE":


Joshua Lokken
Open Source Advocate
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