On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 10:39 pm, Fafa Diliha Romanova wrote:
>    Dear all of you,
>    My computer (HP Compaq DC7100) refuses to boot to FreeBSD. It enters
>    the
>    in the bootloader and the computer reboots! What kind of behavior is
>    thi
>    I'm aware that some UNIX systems need a patch to work on this type of
>    co
>    [1]http://www5.  
> itrc.hp.com/service/patch/wrap.do?pageKey=patch.jsp.archiveJump&admi t
>    But in my case, what do I need to do? Disabling ACPI in the BIOS
>    doesn't
>    I'm informed (when I reinsert my S-ATA HD) that if I'm running UNIX, I
>    s
>    But guess what? There are no such options. Believe me I've looked.

Your computer seem to have more problems than the inability to boot FBSD.

It seems the moths have nibbled away important parts of your query, so
for the most part I find it unintelligable.


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