Nikolas Britton wrote:
Uwe Laverenz wrote:
On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 06:25:05AM -0600, Nikolas Britton wrote:
Any help would be appreciated on ether fixing this problem or a way to use ACPI but disable the thermal monitoring so the system can control the fan?

Try this in /boot/loader.conf: hint.acpi.disabled="thermal"

I might be wrong, but I think on the 1750 you should use APM instead of
ACPI. I had a 1750 running with FreeBSD 4.x and APM and it worked very

How?, I added it to my kernel "device apm", "device pmtimer", and "device amp_saver" and rebuilt it and in rc.conf I added apm_enable="YES", apmd_enable="YES" and I greped though default/loader.conf for anything but found nothing, after rebooting the only thing I get from dmesg is "WARNING: apm_saver module requires apm enabled" and when I type in apm I get "apm: can't open /dev/apm: No such file or directory", type in zzz and I get "apm: can't open /dev/apm: No such file or directory"

You need to also disable ACPI. After doing that, does it work?

I want ACPI!, APM is a last ditch hack to me, the name says it all "Advanced Configuration and Power Interface" there is a reason they switched to it. The 440BX chipset has full support for ACPI and therefore should work with FreeBSD and is a critical problem, what do you think might happen if you disable all your fans on your computer???. Please note that I'm not trying to diss FreeBSD in anyway for it being broken as I understand the issues with the DSDT, AML, and ASL stuff, I just want it to work.

APM is not a "last ditch hack." Many PCs, especially from the same era as yours (98-01) have perfect APM support and lousy ACPI support due to the tools and testing just getting up to speed back then. Until recently, Linux declined to support ACPI on systems older than 2001.

The chipset may support ACPI but the AML supplied by the OEM is what is the issue here. Post a URL where I can download the AML:

acpidump -t -d > hp_armada_1750.asl

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