On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 21:11:42 +0300, Andrew P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello and Happy New Year!
> I need to write some very basic C programs under FreeBSD. I am new to
> Unix programming and not very good at C programming either, so I'm
> looking for documentation on some topics. The ones that are the most
> interesting for me now is how to write small daemons best and how to
> read ipfw info from a program. Man pages help me very much, but I really
> need some guide. The problem is that doc project doesn't seem to have
> released anything like it. I looked through dev-, arch-, porters-
> handbooks, read design-44bsd - but I didn't find what I want.
> Of course I can refresh my C skills and gain some Unix-coding knowledge
> by reading a couple' thousand pages, but I don't feel like it's
> necessary for what I want to write - just a basic statistics collector.
> Should I explore FreeBSD source code or is there some solid piece of
> documentation?
> Best wishes,
> Andrew P. 

This could be useful: http://www.khmere.com/freebsd_book/index.html

Table of Contents:

    * I. Introduction
    * Chapter 1: FreeBSD's Make
    * Chapter 2: Bootstrapping BSD
    * Chapter 3: Processes and Kernel Services
    * Chapter 4: Advanced Process Controls and Signals
    * Chapter 5: Basic I/O
    * Chapter 6: Advanced I/O
    * Chapter 7: Processes Resources and System Limits
    * Chapter 8: FreeBSD 5.x
    * All source code
    * Entire book in a tarball

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