On Jan 3, 2005, at 2:30 PM, Timothy Luoma wrote:

On Jan 3, 2005, at 1:38 PM, Hexren wrote:

I am not that great at bash but look in /etc/rc.firewall for the line
where it says: ". /etc/defaults/rc.conf" I think this line includes
/etc/rc.conf into the running script and as code in rc.conf is
evaluated at the time it is included, all the variables defined in
rc.conf are created at that time in your script. (you do realize that
for example gateway_enable="YES" is an variable declaration with
initialization when read as shell script ?)

Hexren is right, ". /some/file" does mean "include /some/file" (sometimes called "source")


. /etc/rc.conf

if [ "$gateway_enable" = "YES" ]
        echo "yes, this machine is a gateway"
        echo "no, this is not a gateway"

exit 0


First off, let me thank you very much for the massive amount of information you've given me thus far. Do me a favor and tell me if this syntax is correct:


. /etc/rc.conf

if [ "$grog_firewall_enable" = "YES" ]
        echo "Firewall enabled."
elif [ "$grog_firewall_enable" = "NO" ]
        echo "Firewall disabled."

exit 0

This seems to work when I try it at a command line. There's one other question. How would I add the following line (please correct syntax):

elif [ "$grog_firewall_enable" <> "YES" or "NO" ]
echo "Syntax error in /etc/rc.conf file. grog_firewall_enable must be YES or NO"

Thanks again for all the help. _______________________________________________________ Eric F Crist "I am so smart, S.M.R.T!" Secure Computing Networks -Homer J Simpson

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