I have just installed 5.3-RELEASE on an IBM eServer series x330 with the 
primary ATA controller being an Esclade 7006-2 with two drives in a RAID 1 
array.  I configured the array with the BIOS utilities, and when installing 5.3 
from the CD, it recognizes the array on the twe driver and everything seems to 
be working.

I have downloaded the CLI util and the 3dm2 web interface from 3ware.com and 
have been trouble getting them to work.  So far, it appears that the CLI seems 
to be working, although it has been reporting some strange errors, not on the 
array itself, but on the commands I have been testing.  As for the 3dm2 web 
interface, I can't seem to get anything working there.

My question is mainly on the driver though.  Which should I use?  The twe 
driver seems to be working as far as I have tested, but do I need the driver 
downloaded from 3ware to get 3dm2 and the CLI to work?  If so, what is the best 
way to install the driver as I am using this array as the boot disk?

Also, can anybody give me some hints and tips on using the 3ware card from 


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