Olof Andersson wrote:

I'm a newbie with a problem. I tried to install phpmyadmin from the
ports. When I ran the make install clean for the first time I got a
screen where I could make a couple of choices. I chose to install with
something called "mysqli". The make install process stopped and I got
this message:

anderssons1# make install clean

You may use the following additional build option:

    WITH_SUPHP=yes   Install appropriately for use with
                     the www/suphp port [default: no]

Unknown extension mysqli.
*** Error code 1

That can only happen if you try and install mysqli with PHP4 --- the mysqli module (which stands for 'MySQL Improved') is a PHP5 only thing. As the OPTIONS dialog does tell you.

You need to run:

    make config

to redo the OPTIONS stuff.  See the ports(7) man page for details.

Stop in /usr/ports/databases/phpmyadmin.

I tried to run the make install clean again to be able to not select
the "mysqli" but I only get the same message again. I tried to find
information on how to "reset" the install but did not succeed. I have
FreeBSD 5.3.

Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.

That would be me. In general, the port Maintainer is your first point of contact if you're having difficulty with a port. You can find out the Maintainer's e-mail address by:

    make -V MAINTAINER

from the port directory, or most of the time, just by reading the Makefile. Failing that, ask on [EMAIL PROTECTED] or even on this list.



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