
I have serveral questions about the update procedure.

1) starting from 4.10 RELEASE I have cvsup-ed to 4.10 RELENG. Now what
is the command to build FreeBSD?

The hand book says "do not use make world, but use make buildworld",
and look at /usr/src/UPDATING first. But in /usr/src/UPDATING it is
said to use "make world" so I am confused.

2) starting from 4.9 RELEASE, can I cvsup to 4.10 RELENG and build
FreeBSD the same way?

3) starting from 4.7 RELEASE?

4) I have a mail server running sendmail with a very customised
configuration. So far I have compiled/installed my own copy of
sendmail. If i update the system, it will re-install a standardized

Now if I want the update procedure to regenerate a customised
sendmail, where in FreeBSD sendmail heirarchy should I put my own
cf/cf/sendmail.mc and devtools/Site/site.config.m4 ?

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