This looks to me like I've got a hardware problem. SCSI drive 0:4:0 -- or is this perhaps something else?

I had to manually type this in ... :) copying it off the screen since I don't see this stuff in a log anywhere.

FreeBSD 5.3 on a dual 450MHz Xeon with SCSI and IDE. GENERIC kernel.

There was stuff above this, but it had scrolled off the screen and the console was locked up.

da1 (scsi 4 on bus 0) is my boot drive.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Dump Card State Ends>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): SCB 0x3 - timed out

sg[0] - Addr 0x2574b000

(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): Queuing a BDR SCB
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): no longer in timeout, status = 24a
ahc1: Timedout SCBs already complete. Interrupts may not be functioning.
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a, 0 0 47 49 23 0 0 4 0
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): UNIT ATTENTION asc:29,1
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): Power on occurred
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): Retrying Command (per sense Data)
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a, 0 0 47 49 23 0 0 4 0
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): CAM  Status: Check Condition
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): UNIT ATTENTION asc:29,1
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): Power on occurred
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): Retries Exhausted
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): lost device
(da1:ahc1:0:4:0): invalidating pack
panic: initiate_write_inodeblock_ufs2: already started
Uptime: 3d12h50m3s


I'm guessing I will want to copy this entire drive over to another one. What's the best way .... dd?

Oh, one other question ...

I'm used to runlevels on Linux. When I reset this machine, I'm presented with the prompt asking me for the default shell (/bin/sh). I hit enter, and I'm in sh where I can fsck the other drives and mount them. Cool. But ....once I have done that, how do I tell BSD to basically "continue" where it left off (i.e. run /etc/netstart sshd, httpd, psqld, zope, etc) without manually invoking each of those items?

Thanks in advance.

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