On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 07:53 -0500, Marty Landman wrote:
> At 12:36 AM 1/7/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >It does.  You might want to try something like:
> >
> >du -x / | sort -rn | head -15
> >
> >to figure out wheer your diskspace has gone.
> Ok, I've cleared half the space by rm -r /root/.cpan.
> Now I have
> # df
> Filesystem  1K-blocks   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a    128990  60094  58578    51%    /
> /dev/ad0s1f    257998  81790 155570    34%    /tmp
> /dev/ad1s1e   2030062 926976 940682    50%    /usr
> /dev/ad0s1e    257998   2110 235250     1%    /var
> procfs              4      4      0   100%    /proc
> and
> # du -x / | sort -rn | head -15
> 60093   /
> 15052   /root
> 13750   /root/nmap-3.50
> 12600   /sbin
> 6318    /modules.old
> 6318    /modules
> 4378    /bin
> 2766    /stand
> 1942    /root/nmap-3.50/nsock
> 1908    /root/nmap-3.50/nsock/src
> 1380    /etc
> 1174    /root/nmap-3.50/libpcre
> 1058    /root/nmap-3.50/libpcap-possiblymodified
> 888     /root/nmap-3.50/nbase
> 764     /root/nmap-3.50/docs
> Let's say I want to
> mv /sbin /usr/sbin
> mv /root /usr/root
> How problematic can this become? I can anticipate at least having to revise 
> perl scripts that reference the sendmail path, although
> ln -s /usr/sbin/sendmail /sbin/sendmail
> will avoid having to 'fix' source code, right?

How about:

#mv /sbin /usr/sbin
#ln -s /usr/sbin /sbin
#mv /root /usr/root
#ln -s /usr/root /root


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