
Last Friday I ranted:

>In this case, time IS money, so that's why I'm trying to convince my
>client to better spend that money (and my time) on simply buying a
>supported hardware RAID controller, which really is a win-win situation
>for both my client and myself. However, somehow I've not yet been able
>to drive that argument home, so who knows...:/

Well, eureka, I did it! :)
That is... I managed to convince the client to go hardware RAID. ;)

They have a preference for the following controller: Promise FAST Trak S150TX4


As far as I gather from the supported hardware list (fbsd 5.3, amd-64) at: http://www.freebsd.org/releases/5.3R/hardware-amd64.html#DISK

It looks like this controller is not supported. :(

To further compound matters, checking the docs on the controller suggests that, again, this is basically a software RAID solution (no CPU, no on-board memory, and a 66MHz PCI 2.2 32-bit interface): nice to complement their otherwise blazingly fast 64-bit AMD machine, duh! :(((

Oh well, again I made a very strong suggestion to buy the Adaptec 2200s U320 SCSI RAID controller, but we'll see... :)

Meanwhile, does anyone know of a good hardware SATA RAID controller capable of supporting RAID 10, and which is properly supported by FreeBSD 5.3 (amd64)? Any experiences? Any do's and dont's?

Tnx & cheerz!
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