Mr Watson,

As you are listed as the leader of the FreeBSD foundation, and you seem to be the
only one willing to admit that FreeBSD 5.3 is not yet up to the performance of 4.x, doesn't in concern you that:

1) Freebsd 4.x is not being supported as a production O/S, and the "support" is
ending with 4.11 before 5.x is ready performance-wise?
2) FreeBSD 4.x doesn't seem to work well with the 7520/5 chipsets, which are
required to run the latest Intel XEON CPUs (Dell's most powerful servers, for example, are based on the 7520). A long-standing PR has been largely ignored
3) None of your "developers", according to Ted M, have ever "heard of" Intel's
latest and most powerful chipsets.
4) no one in your "organization" seems to care about 1, 2 or 3

FreeBSD has fallen into a performance "hole" of sorts, in that the fastest version
doesnt run on the fastest Motherboards. Its easily correctable, by simply dedicating
resources for a day or 2 to find out whats wrong with the 7520 support. I'd like to hear why you don't think its worthwhile, as a primary goal, to make certain that the
fastest version of the product works well on the fastest available motherboards.

Hahahaha - are we smelling a troll?!

Best regards,

I finally got it all together ...
but I forgot where I put it.
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