On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 09:57:49 -0800 (PST)
Boris Spirialitious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just wanted to thank you for making Freebsd 5.3 so badly. We changed
> to linux and our application runs so much faster its unbelievable. I
> report a small problem and they work hard to fix it. Not like freebsd
> do they make fun of me or ask me to give them hardware. Its like a
> real product this linux!
> Boris

Congratulations! For the first time in 6 years you have made me ashamed
of the fact that I learned Linux before I learned FreeBSD. I'm glad the
Linux lists I frequent aren't like that.

To the rest of the list members... don't hold him against the rest of
us Linux users. :-) 

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