Jim Durham wrote:
I am the sys admin for a company of about 500 people and I am running Sendmail/Procmail/Spamassassin, Samba, Apache/PHP/MySql on FreeBSD..about 8 servers in 3 offices across the US and soon to be more.


Freebsd-questions is wonderful and I find a lot of answers there, but the signal-to-noise is low when you are just looking for IT-oriented information regarding FreeBSD. Especially regarding systems implemented for an office/LAN environment.

I was wondering if there is any mailing list or newsgroup devoted to IT on FreeBSD? Google is not returning any hits on this, nor the listing on freebsd.org.

Your question parses, but it is not clear what specific thing you have in mind that would seperate an IT-oriented list from a non-IT oriented list. Can you either give an example question or two, or can you say why freebsd-questions is *not* IT-oriented?

Or does your question mean you looking for a list whose members are mostly sysadmins and network managers, rather than end-users? FreeBSD doesn't really make much distinction between an end-user and a sysadmin [1], but you might find freebsd-stable or freebsd-isp to come closer to what you are looking for.


[1]: Which can be benefit sometimes, or it can be a problem, especially for novice users, but that's another topic.
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