Sergei Gnezdov wrote:

Alternatives for:

- MS Office XP. I don't think he has very complex documents. (works with windows too), KOffice

- ACDSE 5.0, Photoshop. I am not convinced that he edits or creates

GIMP 2.0

- WinRAR and WinZIP

KDE's Ark/command line utils

- WinAMP

XMMS is popular, but there are lots of other great ones. Most of them are good. I like Xinf, but I don't use it anymore.

- Virtual CD

mdconfig -a -t vnode -f file.iso -u 1
mount_cd9660 /dev/md0 /cdrom1

- Some kind of CD Burner

xcdroast, gnome has support too

- Some DVD Player

Xine, Ogle, Mplayer. All good, Mplayer sucks for DVDs, though

- AC3filter

some command line tool and a few gui apps

- Decoding DVD to AVI (I have no idea why anybody would need this)

There is a good GUI app for this, but I forget what it's called. Check ports.

As a note, though. This friend may be better off with a linux distro. FreeBSD is not newbie friendly and lacks certain hardware/software support that linux has. Not having ALSA precludes certain apps from working/working well.

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