* Jeff MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [0157 12:57]:
> Not really a freebsdquestion specifically.
> My company uses 
>    ns.foo.com  and ns1.foo.com for primay/secondary dns, about 200
> domains rely on these.
> We want a new physical machine , in a different location, with a
> different IP to be our secondary dns. lets call it  www.jerky.com ip =
> imaginary..
> Can I just make ns1.foo.com point to the new ip address, and update
> the registrar with the new ip for ns1.foo.com, and here's the kicker
> _ NOT have to worry about changing the secondary dns info for all 200
> other domains _

Is the second NS server listed in the domain by hostname?
If so, you'll be alright.
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