On Mon, 24 Jan 2005, dick hoogendijk wrote:

> I installed the bootmng and now I have the "F1 FreeBSD" prompt at
> boottime. This is not what I want though.
> I want my disk to just boot into FreeBSD. I can't find the right option
> in boot0cfg to change this behaviour of my harddisk.
> Can I still change the F1 prompt into nothing? If so, how can this be
> done?

Take a look at the FAQs:

3.9. Windows killed my boot manager! How do I get it back?
Boot the FreeBSD boot floppy again and go to the Custom installation menu item. 
Choose Partition. Select the drive which used to contain your boot manager 
(likely the first one) and when you come to the partition editor for it, as the 
very first thing (e.g. do not make any changes) select (W)rite. This will ask 
for confirmation, say yes, and when you get the Boot Manager selection prompt, 
be sure to select ``Boot Manager''. This will re-write the boot manager to 
disk. Now quit out of the installation menu and reboot off the hard disk as 

... don't touch the bang bang fruit
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