On Thursday 27 January 2005 14:05:14, Andrew Lewis wrote:
> -bash-2.05b# gmirror insert gm0 /dev/ad0
> Provider ad0 too small.
> ^- Oops.

This tells you that the mediasize of your disk ad0 is smaller than the 
mediasize of your mirror on ad2. In simple words, disk ad0 seems to be 
smaller than disk ad2 (ie. a mirror with a capacity of 160GB can't be 
mirrored to a disk with only 120GB).

I would try to set up a second mirror (ie. /mirror/gm1) on your smaller disk 
(ad0). Then dump/restore data from /mirror/gm0s1a (ad2) to the /mirror/gm1s1a 
(ad0) and edit fstab on /mirror/gm1s1a. After that reboot into /mirror/gm1s1a 
and destroy the mirror on the bigger disk (ad2) and insert /dev/ad2 
into /mirror/gm1.


Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE 
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