On 26 Jan Thomas Foster wrote:

> I highly recommend switching over to PF instaed of IPF.. heres a
> couple of articles that cover setting up IPF (or PF) and configuring a
> decent ruleset to allow specific services.

Maybe I would. But I run FreeBSD-4.11 and pf is not avail. Switching to
5.3 is not an option (yet). I'll wait at least untill 3.4/3.4

If it _was available I probably would switch from ipf -> pf.

> http://www.section6.net/help/nat.php
> That covers IPF and port forwarding with IPnat
> http://www.section6.net/help/pf.php
> That covers PF and portfowarding with PFnat

Thanks for these links !

dick -- http://nagual.st/ -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ Running FreeBSD 4.11 ++ FreeBSD 5.3
+ Nai tiruvantel ar vayuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilja
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