On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 11:27:15AM +0100, Colin J. Raven wrote:

> > (nfs_server_enable/nfs_client_enable in rc.conf)?
> OK, this is Colin (FreeBSD 5.3 -> 5.3)

Hi Colin :)

> I'm glad Joachim got his issues resolved by mounting as root. I wish I 
> could do the same :-)
> I don't have nfs_server_enable="YES" on the "client" machine, only 
> because...well...it's the client machine. No "howto" I've read (so far) 
> has advocated doing that as a client machine requirment - unless 
> that is - you're also exporting a share in the other direction.
> That said though, it's a trivial matter to try out and see if it makes a 
> difference. I can't see why it might, but hey it's *well* worth the 
> small amount of time necessary to start stuff up.

No, it shouldn't be needed - sorry I was unclear above.


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