On Thursday 27 January 2005 23:12:23, Chad Morland wrote:
> > http://members.chello.at/freebsd-5.3/bonnie-gmirror/summary
> > http://members.chello.at/freebsd-5.3/bonnie-gmirror/detail
> I expect to see data transfer rate increase when you break the mirror.
> RAID1 has the higest disk overhead of all RAID configurations and is
> very inefficient in that regard. It would be interesting to see
> performance results with the bad disk still attached to the mirror.
> Unfortunately I am not able to break disks on a whim so I can't test
> it out. :P

I also run the bechmarks with the gnop class invoked. It seems that the 'gnop 
-f nnn' option doesn't work, so that I couldn't observe any significant 
performance differences. I own several really nice broken IBM SCSI disks, but 
they are broken in such a way, that the mirrors break immediately after 
hitting the damaged areas. Maybe it's the better solution to run smartd from 
ports/smartctl and replace flaky disks asap.     

Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE 
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