From: "Thomas Foster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ZaiD Dashti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<>
Subject: Re: DNS
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 09:20:37 -0800

Does it have a publically accessible interface that can be accessed via an internet connection, or is it behind a Firewall/NAT/Router? Is UDP port 53 accessible if it is behind a Router? Are you hosting a publically resolvable domain name?

----- Original Message ----- From: "ZaiD Dashti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 9:14 AM
Subject: DNS

i have finished of installing my freebsd, and i ran a DNS server (named)
my DNS server listens only to my local network and it does not listens to
real world (i mean for resolving).
how can i make it to listen to the real world?


Properly formated:

ZaiD Dashti wrote:
> yes i have a ADSL router, and i redirect all ports to freebsd machine
> when i connect to apache server (from outside my network and also
> locally) it work, but i don't know why DNS gaves me timeout.
> there is no nating or firewall, only router, yes the udp is accessable
> i'm trying to run DNS server, cuz i want to host my domain (just for
> learning how to host)

Contact your ISP - if you wish to host your domain, you need to be authoritive. Most DSL providers (that I have dealt with) will not do that.

Best regards,

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