On 01/28/05 08:38:14, Daniel S. Haischt wrote:
oops, did forget the tixt file ...

Daniel S. Haischt schrieb:
I don't know whether this is related to your issue,
but on one of my boxes I am also getting an interrupt
storm with atapicam enabled.

On FreeBSD 5.2.1 I did not experience any interrupt
storm issues, even if using the same hardware configuration.

Have a look at the attached text file for a detailed
description ...

Olivier Certner schrieb:


Could you give a look at my post dated 04/01/2005 entitled "Freeze with CAM (using KsCD)"? Maybe we have fallen on the same kind of bug concerning atapicam.

If you have KDE, maybe you should try to reproduce the problem I had. I've no time to test your scenario (the one with the EIDE drive, I don't have SCSI) now, but I'll try to reproduce it at the beginning of next week, in order to see if the freeze happens also on my computer.

 Hope this will help us to progress on our issues.


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recently I updated one of my FreeBSD boxes to
v 5.3. This box got a builtin Promise PDC20269
UDMA133 controller. Actually it's a controller
with two IDE channels.

So far if using the GENERIC kernel that comes
with FreeBSD, I do not experience any problems.

If using my own customized kernel I am getting
the following error message while booting the

Interrupt storm detected on "irq10: atapci1";
throtteling interrupt source:

After some trail-and-error based investigations,
I did figure out that if I don't plugin any device
into IDE channel two, the just described error
does not occur.

So it has something to do with IDE channel two.

As an additional note - The controller works
under Linux, FreeBSD 5.3 (GENERIC) and FreeBSD
5.2.1 (custom kernel).

Any hints on how to solve this issue would be
greatly appreciated.

How about a copy of your custom changes to the kernel? Also did you get a response from Søren Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, he wrote and maintains the ata stuff iirc.

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