Nigel Horne wrote:

When you hit submit bug you get:

"Incorrect safety code
You need to enter the correct code from the image displayed. Please return to the form and enter the code exactly as shown. Thank you."

I have tried 5 times, and double checked I've typed it in right, but your site always rejects the code.

Hello, Nigel:

For a time, the web interface to send-pr(1) was disabled on
purpose.  The last I had heard, it was enabled again, but I'm
not authoritative on that.  I would assume that the "image to
prove you're not a robot" was added to partially address the
concerns that led to the page being disabled in the first place.

However, it appears from your post that the page isn't working
now; if you can use send-pr(1) from a terminal on your machine, it
will have the same effect as submitting the form, as Ira mentioned.

It also might be helpful to send your mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
this team is responsible for the documentation and the web-site,
and probably they would like to know of the difficulty you're

Hmm, I'll tell you what, I'll cc: this over there as well...

Have a great day,

Kevin Kinsey
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